
The Knowledge

Should I be scared of the challenges?

Absolutely yes

Can I really escape anywhere I like, after The Crow releases me?

Yes,on foot only. As long as the route is legal. You can’t roam private land. We suggest you be sensible, and run home to someone who will give you sympathy for your ordeal.

What do I need to carry?

We will provide a recommended kit list, but the decision is yours. You will be given a Track Trail® GPS tracking device to carry. Pairs and Chained have one tracker between them. The trackers are the kind used for  D of E Tracking as well as Scout GPS Tracking, and general GPS Events Tracking.

I am scared of the dark, can I bring a little friend?

You can bring your teddy bear or you can enter as a pair. You can hold hands as you venture through the dark woods.

What about the “Chained ” category. What are the rules?

While the Chained participants are registered at the same venue as Escape from Meriden, Chained is a completely separate event and is operated under Cockbain Events Ltd. It has its own set of rules of regulations. You can choose your partner(s) : 2 to 6 can run together.   The usual medal grading applies, but to get a special Chained medal you must cross the Gold medal line (60 miles as the crow flies) as some part of your route.  If you ultimately go on to complete a total of 130 real miles (these don’t have to be as the crow flies) – log using your own GPS – you will also qualify “Chained 130” medals. You must finish with chain intact and provide video evidence at no point must the chain be removed unless in an emergency (you will be given the capability to remove the chain). You may be subject to Cockbain spot checks! Enter at own risk. No external assistance on chained – You can use shops and cafes but not crews. You are responsible for your route choices and safety.  Like the standard entry, after registration the event have no responsibility for you. No walking sticks allowed on Chained – not like you can really use them anyway! The chain is 1m long. Tip – wear a sweatband on your wrist

Will the course the marked?

Ha ha ha ha ha,  good one. What, seriously? No, you set the course! Your fate is your own.

Can I use GPS?


Will there be hot-towels , masseurs, and cheesecake at the checkpoints?

There aren’t any checkpoints. By all means find yourself pubs, and whatever else en-route. Planning is half the fun!

But how will I feed myself?

That’s up to you. Use a pub, shop, drink from a stream. Solo’s or Chained, you can ask your parents to bring you a banana sandwich if you wish.

So, I can have a support crew then?

Hmmm, Yes. Though you’re a bit of a lightweight compared to the hardy souls who don’t. (For Chained runners, see Chained above, to which Cockbain Events Ltd rules apply here)

If I feel like giving up early, what happens?

Turn off your tracker, and notify The Crow you are retiring. Your distance will be logged at the point you decide to bail. If one member of a Pair quits, you both do. Pairs only get one tracker between them.

How are the awards graded?

Escape from Meriden

They are all “as the crow flies” distance from Meriden, when the time runs out, or you quit. That is not the same as miles travelled. See the Map on the “Register” Page

  • 30 – 60 miles – Silver
  • 60 – 90 miles – Gold
  • Greater than 90 miles – Black
  • “Chained” category – 130 real miles in total – Chained 130 medal (with minimum gold line reached as some part of the 130 real miles)

What happens if I forget my jelly babies, or sit in whimpering heap in the woods. Will you fetch me?

No. You’ll be a feast for crows. There is no support from us after the start.

What happens if I really get into trouble?

Call 112, or 999.

What happens after 24 hours (36 hours if “chained, 48 hours on Escape from GB)?

You’ll get instruction in the guidebook as to how the Crow will record your position. After that you’ll make your own way home. You must post back the tracker to us using Signed For delivery immediately after the event. Any trackers not returned will be invoiced at full cost of £120.00

When will I get my reward

Once The Crow has made judgement, you will receive it. This will likely 1 -2 months after the race, as they are ordered in the exact quantity for each colour, then custom made in the far East and then shipped to the UK.

I have more questions?

You’d better ask them here then.